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Using the module

Using the module

Please import Autocomplete Module into your component.

import { Autocomplete } from 'react-autocomplete-plugin';

In your HTML template

For dropdown string array,Eg: ["Apple", "Banana", "Kiwi"], do as below.


For dropdown object array, Eg: [{"name": "Alex"}, {"name": "John"}], do as below.


Setting scrollThreshold & initialVisibleData for maximizing performance

By default, initialVisibleData is set to 1000 and scrollThreshold is set to 3. It can be customized as per requirement.

What is scrollThreshold & initialVisibleData?

Both scrollThreshold & initialVisibleData helps to improve virtual scrolling for better performance.

initialVisibleData is the number of records / data that will be loaded virtually during initial load.

Consider, there are 5000 records to be shown. initialVisibleData is 1000 and scrollThreshold is 3.

During initial load, dropdown list will show 1000 records. When user reaches the end of scroll, the formula will be calculated based on initialVisibleData & scrollThreshold and number of filteredData records.

Math.ceil(filteredData.length /scrollThreshold);


If calculated result does not exceed initialVisibleData, next set of data will be loaded. And now the dropdown list(filteredData) will hold 2000 records.

Similary same calculation will be performed during the end of scroll and when the result exceeds initialVisibleData, first set of records will be removed from the dropdown list and next set of records will be loaded everytime, to improve performance.

When scrollThreshold is set to 1, the virtual dropdown list will hold the records based on initialVisibleData configuration. When end of scroll is reached, the current set will be replaced by next set.

initialVisibleData & scrollThreshold does not affect or mutate original data and will update only the virtually filtered data.

initialVisibleData & scrollThreshold is customizable based on project needs. If this performance calculation is not required, set isScrollThresholdRequired to false.